04:06duration 4 minutes 6 seconds
Oxidation of Copper
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video provided for captions
01:54duration 1 minute 54 seconds
Consumer Product Safety Commission mulls banning…
Consumer Product Safety Commission mulls banning gas stoves
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07:46duration 7 minutes 46 seconds
Gas stove ban controversy questions answered |…
Gas stove ban controversy questions answered | LiveNOW from FOX
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06:29duration 6 minutes 29 seconds
How could veganism change the world The…
How could veganism change the world The Economist
Used for the creation of a transcript.
04:12duration 4 minutes 12 seconds
Bullfighting National Geographic.mp4
01:07:18duration 1 hour 7 minutes
2013 Boyer Lecture - David Orr
Lecture at 2013 All College by Dr. David Orr