Search for tag: "gaps"

Fill Learning Gaps with UPchieve

Do you struggle to teach students on multiple levels? UPchieve's FREE, on-demand online tutoring can help you identify your students' learning gaps and fill them so you can keep teaching…

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From  Josephine Coco 42 plays 0  

How Does Wi-Fi Work Earth Science

Video provided for captions.

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From  Scott Silverman 59 plays 0  

Heidi Hayes Jacobs - What is Curriculum Mapping.mp4

Video with accurate captions

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From  Ed Tech 56 plays 0  

How culture may impact behavior in the classroom

Colorin Colorado, (2016), How culture may impact behavior in the classroom. YouTube video This version provided for purposes of accurate captions.

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From  Robert Kester 50 plays 0  

Managing Oneself as a Business

A video lecture from Course 2 in Coursera's "Career Brand Management" specialization filmed in 2016. The text and slides are prepared by Professor Val Chukhlomin, narration by Amy…

From  Ed Tech 321 plays 0