06:33duration 6 minutes 33 seconds
Sec 2.3 Symmetric matrices
Video provided for captions
23:13duration 23 minutes 13 seconds
The Beginner's Guide to Microsoft PowerPoint
53:11duration 53 minutes 11 seconds
How to Make INTERACTIVE Google Slides (All the…
How to Make INTERACTIVE Google Slides (All the Basics & Then Some!)
Video with accurate captions
48:56duration 48 minutes 56 seconds
Synchronous Teaching in Teams Webinar September…
Synchronous Teaching in Teams Webinar September 2020
This session will be looking at the unique challenges and opportunities for creative instruction utilizing the college’s supported video conferencing platform, MS Teams. We will address:…
05:12duration 5 minutes 12 seconds
Sweet Medicine
Cliff Eaglefeathers talking about the Cheyenne prophet Sweet Medicine.