Search for tag: "accounting terminology"
Govt Acctg--Chapter 6 Problem Demo (hard copy attached as well)account classification and preparation of financial statements for Proprietary Fund --LO 2
From Barbara Warschawski
103 plays
College Council Meeting - May 2, 2018Video from the May 2, 2018, College Council meeting held at 2 Union Ave., Saratoga Springs, N.Y.
From Tiffany Williams
95 plays
AUDITING --M3 Evidence and Reliability ACCT 4015This video discussion centers around "evidence" and the reliability and types of evidence the auditor gathers.
From Barbara Warschawski
69 plays
College Council Meeting - September 20, 2017Video from the Septemper 20, 2017, College Council meeting held at 2 Union Ave., Saratoga Springs, N.Y.
From Mallory Holman
99 plays
M3 PROBLEM 6-1A - ACCT 2005recording sales and cost of goods sold, analyzing inventory shrinkage and recording such, comparing profitability numbers with national average
From Barbara Warschawski
1,710 plays
EXERCISE 5-3 - ACCT 2005adjusted trial balance to formation of all financial statements
From Barbara Warschawski
1,215 plays