Unsession 1 Multiple Topics-20230607
From Joel Glastetter June 14th, 2023
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From Joel Glastetter June 14th, 2023
Presenter: Kjrsten Keane
Explore the continued benefits of featuring texting-based communication with your students and mentees toward meeting advising goals and increasing writing encouragement! This 5-min-or less unsession will provide a quick overview of related research and illustrate my own experiences using texting with students. Challenges and benefits will be discussed. See if this method may work as part of your communication toolbox!
Presenters: Maree Michaud-Sacks, Alena Rodick, and Kjrsten Keane
In this un-session, we'll delve into opportunities to incorporate ChatGPT into online assignments and discussions. Examples will be shared from various disciplines. Tips and recommendations for AI use in teaching and learning will be shared!
Presenters: Jennifer Nettleton and Shannon Storm
Do you send out the same email weekly, monthly, or quarterly? This short presentation will show you how to create templates for emails that you regularly use to send out to recipients. Once you create a template of your commonly used email, all you will need to add is your recipients email address and hit send!
Presenter: Christine Paige
Ever wanted to have an email automatically send on a specific date and time? Come learn how to add automation to an email.
Presenters: Alena and Nichole
Quick overview of Brightspace's Intelligent Agents - a handy tool for sending automated email based on the instructor-defined criteria.