Plenary - What is "Scholarly Ability" at SUNY Empire State College? - October 27, 2022
From Patricia Pillsworth
From Patricia Pillsworth
Scholarship varies tremendously across academic disciplines. What may be considered 'scholarly ability' or 'scholarship' in one academic area may not be entirely understood by individuals who are experts in a different scholarly field. As such, it may be important to consider a broader definition of scholarship that is inclusive of the diversity indicative and specific to academic disciplines, yet universally understood when candidates undergo review. Consequently, such is the challenge. The Academic Personnel Committee (APC) was charged by the Senate to facilitate a conversation across the college to explore the meaning of 'scholarly ability', and to clarify its use in the review of faculty for reappointment, continuing appointment, and promotion. The Senate called on the APC to submit a report that can be used as advice for a revision to the "scholarly ability" section (Part III) of the Faculty Handbook. This panel is intended to further the exploration of 'scholarly ability', to engage conversation around the Boyer Model of scholarship, and to provide the community with our initial discussions and progress, as well as to solicit feedback for moving forward towards clarity and definition.