Ask5: Styling for Success with Jasenya McCauley, '21
From Anita Brown June 21st, 2024
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Bio: Styld N’ EMRGD is a pioneering wardrobe utilization company that seeks to revolutionize our perception of wardrobe items, extending their lifecycle from conception through consumption and contributing to the circular fashion model. Our Business to Business (B2B) services include 3 service options and may be tailored to meet the diverse needs of various wardrobe needs in the entertainment and fashion industry. Our personal services focus on cultivating a “healthy wardrobe mindset” while creating “stylish and sustainable wardrobe spaces”. Born and raised by a stylish family in Schenectady, NY, Jasenya quickly developed a personal style and presence of her own. After hanging up her dancing shoes, Jasenya earned an A.A.S in Fashion Merchandising and a Baccalaureate of Business Management and Economics with a concentration in small business management. These learning experiences led her to understand enclothed cognition and develop what we now call wardrobe utilization. In 2019, Styld N’ EMRGD was established, initially serving individuals and professionals with image consulting, fashion styling, and wardrobe management needs. In 2020, the brand pivoted into offering business administrative support curated to address other businesses’ backend organization and needs, along with creative project support to enhance original creative expressions and champion organized execution. These new services serve as customized solutions to everyday business issues. The pivot also shifted the focus of the previously known image consulting services to wardrobe utilization support, delving into the enclothed cognition of individuals. This work is done to help individuals connect why they buy the wardrobe they buy with what they choose to wear regularly, encouraging a healthy wardrobe mindset. This mental Shift is crucial to helping fight global fashion waste and U.S clothing insecurity.
B2B wardrobe utilization support was structured to guide businesses in using wardrobes for projects in a more thoughtful and sustainable way. That said, the company now has three service and consulting areas: personal and production wardrobe utilization services, consulting, and immersive workshops / events.
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